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A search for 'Drake 400' gave the following results:

8 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
8 matches in labels:
  1. Drake 400 (Marco Polo 8.223518)
    Original Release Title: Drake 400 Suite - New Zealand Suite
  2. 633 Squadron (Marco Polo 8.223518)
    Original Release Title: Drake 400 Suite - New Zealand Suite
  3. Trap, The (Marco Polo 8.223518)
    Original Release Title: Drake 400 Suite - New Zealand Suite
  4. Lancelot And Guinevere (Marco Polo 8.223518)
    Original Release Title: Drake 400 Suite - New Zealand Suite
  5. British Light Music (Marco Polo 8.223518)
    Original Release Title: Drake 400 Suite - New Zealand Suite
  6. Spaceman And King Arthur, The (Flyback/Chandos FBCD 2004)
    Ron Goodwin conducts the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra: Trs. 01-10 from album "My Kind of Music" (1989); Trs. 11-18 from album "Drake 400" (1980)
  7. Drake 400 (Flyback/Chandos FBCD 2004)
    Ron Goodwin conducts the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra: Trs. 01-10 from album "My Kind of Music" (1989); Trs. 11-18 from album "Drake 400" (1980)
  8. My Kind Of Music (Flyback/Chandos FBCD 2004)
    Ron Goodwin conducts the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra: Trs. 01-10 from album "My Kind of Music" (1989); Trs. 11-18 from album "Drake 400" (1980)

6 matches in composers
  1. Drake Levin
  2. Elizabeth Drake
  3. Oliver Drake
  4. Drake Bell
  5. Christopher Drake
  6. Aaron Drake

214 matches in tracks
  1. Winter / Grandmother's Last Will / Parris, Cassie, Drake And Louise / Dr. Gordon / Drake's Exit (06:02)
    from Sea Wolf, The
  2. Winter / Grandmother's Last Will / Parris, Cassie, Drake And Louise / Dr. Gordon / Drake's Exit (06:02)
    from Kings Row
  3. DRAKE 400 (14:19)
    from Drake 400
    Commisioned to the commemorate the 400th Aniversary of the circumnavigation of the Globe by Sir Francis Drake, 1579-1580.
  4. DRAKE 400 (14:19)
    from Beauty And The Beast
    Commisioned to the commemorate the 400th Aniversary of the circumnavigation of the Globe by Sir Francis Drake, 1579-1580.
  5. DRAKE 400 (14:19)
    from Candleshoe
    Commisioned to the commemorate the 400th Aniversary of the circumnavigation of the Globe by Sir Francis Drake, 1579-1580.
  6. DRAKE 400 (14:19)
    from Force 10 From Navarone
    Commisioned to the commemorate the 400th Aniversary of the circumnavigation of the Globe by Sir Francis Drake, 1579-1580.
  7. DRAKE 400 (14:19)
    from Spaceman And King Arthur, The
    Commisioned to the commemorate the 400th Aniversary of the circumnavigation of the Globe by Sir Francis Drake, 1579-1580.
  8. Vienna and Happy New Year 1900/Randy and Drake/Financial Ruin/Accident and Amputation/Drake Awakens/ (24:30)
    from Kings Row
  9. Nick Drake - Black Eyed Dog (03:25)
    from Practical Magic
    (Nick Drake)
  10. The Ludwig Von Drake Song (01:46)
    from House Of Mouse
    Ludwig Von Drake
  11. Drake (02:52)
    from Tropico 2: Pirate Cove
  12. Following Drake (01:08)
    from Danger Man
  13. Drake’s Lab (00:34)
    from Humanoids From The Deep
  14. Rocks At Drake's Bay (02:23)
    from Fog, The
  15. Rocks At Drake's Bay (00:00)
    from Fog, The
  16. The Brothers Drake (01:55)
    from Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
  17. Drake and Ducks (02:26)
    from Saint, The
  18. Drake and Ducks (02:26)
    from Danger Man
  19. Drake in the New World (02:39)
    from Saint, The
  20. Drake in the New World (02:39)
    from Danger Man
Show all 214 matching tracks